Reflection on ICT in Education

 ICT in Education 

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Gone are the days when Teachers have to look dusty with chalk powder, the students also do not get the chance to be the green board captain, and the tallest student need not get up to wipe the chalk board. All the acknowledge and thanks owe to the modern technology and the people who actually integrated ICT into education. I strongly agree that integration of ICT in education is not just the use of computer and having computer knowledge, but the integration of different technology to make learning as effective as possible. 

The 21st century teaching pedagogy requires a lot of collaborative and interactive learning which can be enhanced by the integration of technology. The simple way of teaching; ie the traditional way of teaching and learning where the teacher lectures the whole time and the students listen to him or her won't work with then children of the 21st century. It is mainly because, the children of the 21st century are already equipped with technology before coming to school. Integrating ICT in education would be a plus point for both the teachers and students 

Just the paper interprets, the integration of ICT in education enhances the quality and accessibility of education. To highlight on it, if I share about an experience I had of it as a teacher who was doing my teacher practice in one of the schools, we  would not get all the time to teach children, let them do related activities, and at the same time let children watch videos in the allocated time. For that we need to send some tasks home to be done so that we can fulfill the aims and objectives that are actually targeted as per the curriculum that we have.

 But at the same time, I feel like Bhutan is still not ready to go for digital. It is because of  the infrastructure, resources and the facilities that we have currently. It is just a personal opinion, but I feel that in the verge of trying to go digital, we are forgetting and compromising the small interactions that we should have as a part of children’s social building.

